Tuition & Fees | We Are Going Through A Transition

On June 18, 2024, the University officially became a legal NYS entity. The corporate entity is Layer9 LTD. This means, we must now function as any other business, with revenue and expenses. Previously, there were only expenses, which Steve himself paid.

Despite these efforts to carry as much of the costs as he, himself, could handle, we were made aware of financial and tax liabilities which left unaddressed, would have caused the University to cease to exist. This left us with no choice but to face the obvious conclusion, that we must transition to, and become, a financially self sustaining entity.

Thus as of January, 2025, the following schedule of tuition will need to be paid to Layer9 LTD each month.

  • EU Monthly Seminars: $183/month
  • EU Website Access (includes all Library content): $117/month
  • EU Annual Summer Seminar (12 Group Sessions, Retreat House Rental & Expenses): $195/month

Total Monthly Tuition: $495

Monthly payments of $495 are due by the 15th of each month. Payments can be made to Layer9 LTD (the EU Corporate Business Account), via PayPal or Check.

PayPal offers three payment options:

  • [1] Credit or debit card
  • [2] ACH transaction, direct debit
  • [3] PayPal Pay Later, which are installment payments

Please note, this fee does not include the monthly Grand Rounds Group, which will continue to be paid directly to Steve.

Finally, if you have any questions, including how to make payments, please reach out to me.

 – Maria Kirsch | Administrative Dean