2023 May EU – Seeing vs Being Seen, Urges vs Behavior (retreat topics)
In this group, we made major discoveries regarding the nature of urges, in particular how the urges which personality filters out are the things we do not want to give or get.
What has changed in you since the 2023 Retreat. The four ages of regression.
To know something, you need to be picturing it. Otherwise, you’re just guessing.
Emergence University Seminar | The 4 Kinds of Groups – Being Your Own Person (2024-01 January)
Connection vs Neediness. Constellated Science (discover questions) vs Traditional Science (find answers). Answers = Understanding. You cannot learn when you are needy. This neediness is Trying to Understand. To learn, you must have all four kinds of Information. Connection is “The Simultaneous experience of all 4 kinds of Information being exchanged between two people. To blame, you cannot be picturing. If you are picturing, you cannot blame.
In this seminar, we explore a new topic: Wound Prioritizing. This refers to the wound which creates the default state of a person’s personality in the 3 – 5 seconds just before a startle. This is caused by a wound which occurs between age 3 and age 5, most times, between age 3 1/2 and age 4 1/2. This state then generalizes to any time a person relives any wound, for the rest of the person’s life.
Introduces the concept of Baby Inferences and the way in which babies learn without a timeline
Emergence University Seminar (2024-06) June | Group Notes pdf
In the first half of this group, we explore the idea that beneath all suffering lies the experience of boredom (emptiness), and that avoiding this painful state of mind results in everything from additions and compulsions to overeating and mindless occupations.