Currently, there are only two sections to our library, the document listings and the list of published works. Both listings include only things we ourselves have either written, filmed, published, or created.

In the first section, the Documents & Videos Listings, you’ll find a searchable listing of everything in the library, including all video and audio recordings from Monthly Seminar and Grand Rounds Groups, various Topic Lesson videos, as well as PDFs containing drawings and articles from past retreats, early Emergence Manuals, and currently-being-worked-on things. You’ll also find various personality tests and data recording forms, including for Social Priorities, Gender Identity, etc.

I am also currently in the process of creating pages which limit what is displayed on the page to specific types of files, for instance, a page which displays only the Grand Rounds Group videos. Hopefully this will make finding these things easier.

Know there is currently a problem with the video icons. The icons used for the PDFs work as expected; clicking the View icon let’s you view a PDF online and clicking the Download icon let’s you download this PDF. However, something is odd about the icons used for videos. There is a Download icon, but no View icon. So how do you view videos? By clicking the Download icon.

I’m working on it.

Know that should you be unable to find what you need, please feel free to email me and I’ll do my best to promptly find or create, then upload, whatever I think may help.

Overall, please know, this library is intended to be our “living textbook,” a constantly growing and being-refined body of work, including that students are encouraged to contribute to it.

(July 2024)