Emergence University Seminar (2024-09) September | Group > Socialization and Personality 3
In this gfroup, we explore how being socialized has affected our decisions, behaviors, parenting, and relationships in general.
In this gfroup, we explore how being socialized has affected our decisions, behaviors, parenting, and relationships in general.
2024 Summer Retreat slides – all 12 groups
In this, the second seminar on socialization, we explore several personal categories of socialization, beginning with “majority” vs “minority” socialization.
Emergence University Seminar (2024-06) June | Group Notes pdf
Question: Where do inferences come from?
1. Behavior begins to exist at the edge of gender identity. It is the transition point between an urge and beginning to do/act in the world. Gender identity begins to translate into behavior.
2. There are four kinds of inferences that come from Socialization. Inferences are there before we behave. Inferences drive behavior, and the four types of groups (cult, family, loose, individuals) socialize us, and this then drives our inferences.
3. Each of the four groups has rules that collectively then form our socialization.
4. Inference is your mind’s sense of ‘is this, or is this not, the right thing to do.’ Group identity➡️ Socialization ➡️ Inferences ➡️ Person’s behavior.
(for more, see accompanying Group Notes pdf)