EU 2022 Retreat | Day 3 (The 4 States of Mind Day)

In this set of lessons, we’ll look at how my early attempts to understand what I’d discovered led to the map of the mind.

Wednesday Lessons – the 4 States of Mind

  • How mapping the 4 Spaces in the Mind leads to maps of Single Moments of experience.
  • How Sequences of “Single-Moment Maps” Reveal Geometric Patterns in the Mind
  • The Algebra of Consciousness (the math behind both Single-Moment & Life Event Maps)
  • The 4 Meta-Fractal Patterns (shapes) Which Together Describe All Mental Changes

In this set of lessons, we’ll look at how my early attempts to understand what I’d discovered led to the map of the mind. Realize, this map is how all discoveries begin. I make drawings first. Then I look for, and explore, any complementary pairs of opposites in these drawings.  We’ll also briefly look at the first new math I created, something I call “The Algebra of Consciousness.” And yes, I know, this probably sounds awfully pretentious. But when you realize how just four curved red lines reveal how startles wound us, and how emergences heal, you begin to see my evidence for how physically representing mental experiences can change lives.

File Type: pdf
Categories: PDFs - EU Assignments
Tags: Depression, Dysthymia, Mania, normal
Author: Steven Paglierani